"Don't save what is left after spending; spend what is left after saving", a very famous and true quote given by Warren Buffet. In today's competitive and high risky world every person knows the importance of saving. And for saving he/she must know what the various avenues of investment in modern era are. Now a days when one fresh graduate or postgraduate person complete his/her study and join to his/her dream companies or job and when he/she gets his/her first salary in their hand ,that moment for him/her is just like they got success. But once time has passed gradually they feels that we should save something but at that time first and most important question raised in their mind and that is where we should invest or save our hard earn money? Number of different investment options are available currently in the market like Bank FD, Gold, Real Estate, Mutual Funds, equity & so on much more. Investors are always investing their money with the different types of individual purpose and objectives such as profit, security, appreciation, Income stability etc. We have here in this research, studied the different types and avenues of investments as well as the factors that are required while selecting the investment with the sample size of 100 salaried employees of Nagpur city (Maharashtra State, India) by conducting the survey through questionnaire. Actually, here the present study which we have tried to identifies about the preferred investment avenues among individual (Salaried) investors using their own self-assessment test.
See Full PDF See Full PDFThe objective of the study was to determine the relationship between the savings and investments pattern among the salaried class people of Chandigarh (India). The data was collected through structured questionnaire distributed to 200 peoples working in different sectors at Chandigarh. It was found from the analysis there is relationship between Annual Savings and Age, Income, Sector wise Employment, Education of people at Chandigarh. Analysis has been done through One Way ANOVA. It was propounded here that the most preferred investment options are LIC and bank deposits and most of the factors influencing investment decisions were high returns, tax benefit and safety.
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Investment may be defined as "a commitment of funds made in the expectation of some positive rate of return". The essential quality of investment is that it involves waiting for a reward. Investment behavior refers to attitudes, perceptions, and willingness of individuals and institutions in placing their savings in various kinds of physical and financial assets commonly known as investment avenues. The investment behavior and pattern are different for different individuals and it depends upon the demographic attributes, return expectations, risk appetite, financial literacy, time horizon and several other quantitative and qualitative factors. Many studies have already been conducted on saving behavior of households, gender differences in knowledge and perception of investment, Investment risk tolerance, and perception about investment options and so on.This study intends to check the insight of Infopark employees to divert their hard earned money to various investment channels, by throwing light over the various commonly seen attributes that influence the investment decisions, their Investment objectives and the preference of the employees towards different Investment Alternatives. Objectives of the study are to assess the motives and factors influencing the investment decisions of employees at Infopark, to analyse the preference of employees on different investment avenues, to identify the relationship between risk tolerance level and investment motives and to assess the percentage of disposable income invested in each avenue by the employees. Primary data were relied on for the study besides secondary data for additional information. Data were collected from 35sample respondents from among the total population of employees of Infopark, Kochi, Kerala. Percentage tool, Weighted Rank, Karl Pearson's Coefficient of Mean Square Contingency and Chi-Square test were used for data analysis.Study brought a conclusion that both Income Generation and Capital Appreciation motivate the employees to do the investment and Safety of Principal amount is the primary factor considered by most of them and Medical Benefits are the future purpose for which they desire to make investments.It further revealed that Bank Deposit is the most preferred Investment Avenue among the employees. The study further revealed that there is a low association between Investment Motives and Risk Tolerance Level and that Investors don't significantly differentiate between various available Investment alternatives.
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Saving form an important part of the economy of any nation. With the saving invested in various options available to the people the money acts as the driver for growth of the country. Indian financial scence too presents a plethora of avenues to the investors. Though certainly not the best or deposits of markets in the world, it has reasonable options for an ordinary man to invest his savings. One needs to invest to earn return on their idle resources and generate a specified sum of money for a specific goal in life and make a provision for an uncertain future. One of the important reasons why one needs to invest wisely is to meet the cost of inflation. Inflation is the rate at which the cost of living increases. The cost of living is simply what is cost to buy the goods and services need to live. Inflation causes money to lose value because it will not buy the same amount of a good or services in the future as it does now or did in the part. The sooner one start investing the better. By investing early you allow your investment more time to grow, whereby the concept of compounding increase your increase your income, by accumulating the principal and the interest as dividend earned on it year after year. This analysis describes why an investor will opt a particular investment and the motive behind the investment and other objectives of investment.
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Journal of Social Welfare and Management
In India, investors have a lot of investment avenues to invest their savings. The risk and returns involved in each of these investment avenues differ from one to another. The investors are ready to invest after evaluating the main features of investments such as security of principal amount, liquidity, income stability, easy transferability, etc. Shares, bank, gold and silver, life insurance, postal savings, etc. are the available investment avenues. This paper tries to review the investment pattern of different class of people based on previous research. This paper focus on investment pattern of working women, salaried employees and teachers. Data were collected various journals, websites and research articles.
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European Economic Letters
This study looks into saving behaviour and the preferences of investors in Chennai, India, with a particular emphasis on the decision between bank deposits and mutual funds. The purpose this study's goal is to comprehend the factors that influence investors' choices of investments and their preferences for these two well-liked investment options. A structured questionnaire is employed in the quantitative research approach of the study to collecting information from a sample of Chennai-based investors. And questionnaire asks questions about the demographics of the investors, their investment goals, their risk tolerance, their familiarity with mutual funds and bank deposits, and the variables influencing their investment preferences. The results of this study will shed important light on Chennai investors' investment preferences and behaviour, revealing the factors that influence mutual fund selection.
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India needs very high rate of investments to attain high level of growth. Since the beginning of planning, the prominence was on investments the primary instruments of economic growth and increase in national income. This study attempts to analyse the investment behaviour of salaried group of people from government sector using convenient sampling method. The outlook from the employees belongs to salaried earners, and the sample is fixed as 120. Instead of studying the complete range of investors, it is focusing only one segment called salaried Government employees. A variety of statistical tools are employed to analyze the data like factor analysis to identify the factors related with investment. Finally it is concluded that salaried group nevertheless of age and annual Income, besides their occupation and marital status they used to prefer the investment option which will provide the long term benefit and highly secured cum profitable avenues. Keywords— Investment, Bank Employees Introduction Investment is a purchase of a financial product or other item of value with an expectation of favorable future returns. Investing is a serious subject that can have a major impact on investor's future well-being. Virtually everyone makes investments. Investors have a lot of investment avenues to park their savings. The risk and returns available from each of these investment avenues differ from one avenue to another. Savings shapes the important part of the economy of any nation. With the savings, in various options available to the people, the money acts as the driver for growth of the country. Indian financial prospect too presents a plethora of avenues to the investors. One of the important motives why one needs to invest wisely is to meet the cost of inflation. Inflation causes money to drop value because it will not buy the same amount of a good or service in the future as it does now or did in the past. The three golden rules for all investors are: a) Invest early b) Invest regularly c) Invest for long term and not for short term. Review of Literature Kumar, Banu and Nayagam (2008) studied the financial product preferences of Tiruchirapalli investors to rank their product preferences among investment choices, that is, post office savings, bank deposits, gold, real estate, equity investments and mutual funds. The preferences of the respondents were known according to their attributes like safety of principal, liquidity, stability of income, capital growth, tax benefits, inflation resistance and concealability. So, the investors
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IOSR Journal of Business and Management