Crystal Reports Scheduler

Crystal Reports Scheduler: Select, Format, Schedule, and Deliver!

CRD® (Crystal Reports Distributor) is a Crystal Reports Scheduler that saves time and money by making it easy to automate Crystal reports. Crystal Reports scheduling is easy. Just define single or packages of Crystal Reports®, schedule, run them automatically and send the reports to print, fax, folder, FTP, SMS, DropBox, Sharepoint & email in a number of standard formats including Excel, Word, PDF, RPT and more.

Easy To Use

Crystal Reports Scheduler

Simply set up a "schedule" stating how often you would like each report to run, whether you'd like the output in Word, Excel, HTML, RTF, Acrobat, RPT, text format, and more and who it should be sent to. CRD will do the automated delivery for you, delivering reports to folder, email, printer, fax, DropBox, Sharepoint, FTP or SFTP! CRD works on all major operating systems including Windows NT4SP6a, Windows 2000, Windows 2000 Server, Windows XP, Windows 2003 Server, Windows Vista 64 and Windows Server 2008.

Date & Time Scheduling

It's easy to schedule Crystal Reports to run at a specific date and time, or to run them hourly, daily, weekly, or monthly or set up your own custom frequencies e.g. 4-4-3, every other day, third Monday of the month, and so on. And the same report can be scheduled to be run multiple times with different parameters, formats, frequencies, and destinations. It makes Crystal Reports scheduling simple, hassle-free and convenient for you.

Event Triggers

Distribute Crystal Reports and respond to your business needs by setting schedules to run based on events and triggers rather than date. Add real-time monitoring to your Crystal Reports distribution process with CRD's Event Based Schedules, reports are fired off when events occur e.g. database value is present, file is modified, window is open, an email is received, etc. CRD makes sure the reports are created and distributed on time and error-free. Just what you want from a Crystal Reports Scheduler.

Dynamic & Data Driven

Use CRD's unique Dynamic & Data-Driven Schedule processes to trawl through your database to find the parameter values to use and then generate and deliver a unique report for each value. Bring advanced Data-Driven functionality to your Crystal reports distribution infrastructure. And with Bursting Schedules you can quickly and easily burst out and deliver report groups to different recipients and destinations. Manage your Crystal Reports distribution needs with greater effectiveness, speed, and efficiency.

Pre & Post Delivery Automation

Once your schedule has been executed, why stop there? Use CRD's unique Custom Actions to run another program, enter values in a database, modify a file and lots more. Or use Automation Schedules for general business process automation without scheduling any reports at all.

Intuitive Interface

CRD's familiar Explorer-like interface makes it easy to define and schedule report packages. The context (right-click) menus and full copy-and-paste support make it easy to create complex distribution schedules.

Windows Service Scheduler

The scheduling service runs as a desktop application, or as a windows service. It will integrate with Exchange Server, Office 365 or SMTP. Worried about Outlook security prompts? CRD deals with these expertly - ensuring complete uninterrupted automation.

Business Case

By automating repetitive reporting tasks, CRD - Crystal Reports Distributor - ensures that reports are created and distributed when needed, without error, and without costly support time. Business Intelligence where you need it & when you need it.

Business Benefits:

Features & Benefits

Schedule Types

CRD's comprehensive set of job (schedule) types gives you the power you need for any occasion.

Single Report Schedules

A single report is set to generate at specified intervals (Daily, Hourly, Weekly etc). It is exported to a specified format (PDF, Excel, XML etc). The exported file is delivered to one or more destinations (email, FTP, printer, etc). For example, email the daily sales report to the sales manager at 8am every weekday except on public holidays.

Package Report Schedules

Set up a package of reports to be generated at defined intervals and delivered to one or more defined destinations - together. For example, a monthly report pack (consisting of a number of reports) can be sent to a client with all reports attached to the single email or compressed into a single zip file, or merged into a single Excel workbook, or PDF file before delivery.

Automation Schedules

Write and execute simple or complex business process automation scripts or macros using CRD's Custom Tasks. Use this schedule on its own or as part of a more complex automation solution. Examples include Send an email, Update a database record, Upload to FTP, Update a file, Print files and lots more.

Dynamic Schedules

Multiple instances of the same report are exported. For each instance, CRD will automatically enter the required parameter values, export the report and deliver the results to the corresponding email, folder, FTP, printer or fax. The parameters and destination are read from your own database. For example, run the same report for dozens of clients without writing a schedule for each client.

Dynamic Package Schedules

Dynamically generate and deliver individualized export packages for multiple recipients using the same set of reports. Dynamic Schedules for Packages! For example, you can use the same set of reports to generate individual monthly report packages for all your clients.

Event-Based Schedules

Instantly respond to business and client needs. Fire off reports or automation scripts when a defined system event occurs. For example, trigger a report or automation script when a value in a database has changed, or when a new email arrives You can even use values in the email body text to populate parameters, email addresses, database tables and more.

Event-Based Packages

String a number of Event-Based schedules together as a batch to run in a specified order and/or at specified scheduled times. Use to ensure that required conditions are fulfilled before a report is exported. For example, run the report once a month, but only if the monthly total figure in the sales database matches that in the invoices database.

Bursting Schedules

Burst individual report groups and deliver each group to a different destination. For example, burst a sales report into individual groups based on "Department" and to email each department's group report to the head to that department. Advanced Crystal Report bursting.

Data-Driven Schedules

Bring Reporting Services functionality to Crystal Reports! Drive all variables of your reporting requirements (parameters, destinations, output format, etc) from database tables and queries.
For example,

Scheduling Frequencies

No other automation tool provides the huge array of frequencies that CRD makes available at your fingertips.

Every Day

Repeat every x days. For example, repeat ever 2 days will run the schedule every other day.

Every Week Day

Schedules will not run on Saturday and Sunday.

Every Week

Repeat every x weeks. Choose the days too. For example run every 2 weeks on Monday, Wednesday and Saturday.

Every Month

Repeat every x months. Specify only certain months. Also, choose special days of the month. For example, run on the last Friday of every month except March.

Every Year

Schedules run annually on a given date.

Custom Calendar

Create your own calendars for custom frequencies. For example. 4-4-3

Exception Calendar

Schedules will not run on these dates. Use the built in public holidays or select your own custom "do not run" dates. For example, do not run on New Year's Day.


Schedules will run when an event occurs. For example, Database record is modified, Database record is created, Unread email is present, File is modified, Process exists.

Repeat Until

Repeat schedules at regular intervals. For example, Run every Tuesday at 8am and repeat the run every 30 minutes until 5pm.

Start & End Dates

Automatically set the schedule to begin on a given date, repeat at the given interval, and end on a set date. For example, Start on 1 Jan 2016. Run every weekday until 31 March 2018.

Output Formats

With more output formats and enhanced formatting & manipulation options than any other Crystal Reports scheduling tool, CRD gives you the flexibility to satisfy your formatting requirements with ease.

Acrobat (PDF)

Character Separated (CSV)

MS Excel (XLS)

MS Word (DOC)

Raster Image (TIF)

Other available formats


Flexible, highly customizable and function-rich destination functionality.







SMS (Cell phone Text)

Microsoft Sharepoint

Other Destination Options

Custom Tasks and Workflow Automation

Give yourself greater control by using CRD's Custom Tasks to create automation scripts and workflows. Use them as a complete automation process in 'automation schedules', or to provide additional enhancement as part of report export schedules.

Additional Report Schedules Task Actions

Available Custom Tasks

Event Triggers

Respond instantly to business and client needs by firing off reports and automation scripts when an event occurs. CRD gives you a list of triggers to suit any occasion. All the triggers below can run if the condition is True or if the condition is False.

Database Record Exists

Apply to new database records only, or to any matching database records.

Database Record Has Been Modified

Choose to include New (Inserted) records and Deleted records. Use this for follow-ups by selecting to only match the condition if the record has been (or not been modified) in x minutes. Repeat the action every x minutes until the condition is no longer true, or run just once.

Unread Mail Is Present

Monitor a POP or IMAP mailbox for new emails. Forward or Redirect. Delete mail after processing. Read the body text and other mail sections (sender email, subject, etc. ) and use the values to populate report parameters, email addresses, etc. For example, send the report to the sender of the email.

File Exists

Use this trigger to respond to the existence of a new file in a local or network folder.

File Has Been Modified

Great for monitoring log files, but works equally well for all other types of local or network files.

Other Event Triggers

Scalability & Administration

Beyond its basic functionality, you want to know that CRD can extend its capabilities to satisfy your needs as your business demands and your Crystal Reports scheduling needs grow. Below is a brief list of some of the functionalities which put CRD (and you) years ahead of the market.

How To Present Info In A Crystal Clear Manner

A sound investment in the future is what will differentiate your company from the rest of the pack. Self-service reporting crystal report software will enable you to present information in a truly crystal clear manner, and showcase impressive data.

How To Present Info In A Crystal Clear Manner

Organizations aim at becoming seamless in order to have a smooth flow of information and data between various departments. One of the most important aspects of this union is linking the data of various departments to extract the most from it. This is where a Crystal Report Scheduler steps in. It allows you to link tables between various formats and generate a meaningful report.

A Crystal Report Scheduler is a self-service reporting tool that enables you to make sense of the vast data at your disposal. It helps you to automate crystal reports and run them automatically. CRD offers various exciting features, a few of which are listed below: