South Carolina does not have a statewide business license. However, each municipality (city, county, town) administers its own business licenses/permits/registrations. Your business will need a local business license in most of the municipalities where your business is physically located and conducted.
Examples of business license requirements include the following:
· Business License Example 1: If a business is physically located in the City of Columbia and does business in the Town of Irmo, business licenses are required from both Columbia and Irmo. Home-based and online businesses are generally required to have business licenses.
· Business License Example 2: If a business is physically located in or conducts business in the unincorporated (non-city limit) area of a county, the business will need a county business license, if required. The business will need to contact the county to find out if a license is required or not.
· Business License Example 3: If a business has a food truck or is a contractor based in the unincorporated area of Richland County (which requires a business license) and conducts business in the City of Columbia, the business would need a Richland County business license and a City of Columbia business license.
Is there a statewide business license?There is no statewide license in South Carolina. Each municipality (city, town, county) administers its own business licenses. NOTE: Not all 46 South Carolina counties require a business license. Check with your business's respective municipality to find out what licenses, permits, and/or registrations you need to complete. This is in addition to registering with the Secretary of State's Office. Find contact information for your local municipality and county.
Where can I register for my business license?Business licenses are local government licenses issued by the incorporated towns, cities, and counties in South Carolina. Directly contact the local government where your business is operating to determine if a business license is required and the cost, if applicable. Find contact information for your local municipality and county.
Where can I find information for my city, county, or town?· Locate your county via your business address. · Find contact information for your local municipality and county. NOTE: If a foreign business (a business that was initially registered outside of South Carolina) does not have a physical presence or “substantial nexus,” the business may not need local business licenses.