Licenses are renewed annually during a two-month period: May 1 – June 30.
There is a $100 late fee if the renewal occurs after June 30.
Licenses are active from July 1 – June 30.


The renewal process is broken into two simple steps:

You will receive your renewal receipt and certificate via email. If your email address needs to be updated please contact the office because you will not be able to update your email address during the renewal process.

We have recorded a video showing how to use these tools. It is strongly encouraged that you watch this to minimize any mistakes that will cause the delay delivery of your renewal certificate.




Arkansas Psychology Board Rules and Regulations, 2009, §9.1. A. Each licensee must complete a minimum of twenty (20) hours of continuing education activity during each licensed renewal period. The defined accrual period is July 01 through June 30 each year. You will attest to having completed 20 CEU’s during renewal.

Optional Online CEU Reporting

Online CEU reporting will log your CEU hours into our database for future reference. You will not upload documents. You must keep your documents in case you are audited.

To optionally submit your Continuing Education online, use the following process:

  1. Go to the online CE collection form | VIEW
  2. Use your license number to access your entry form
  3. Fill out the CE information
  4. Hit the SUBMIT button and enter your next CE
  5. Repeat the process until all CEs have been submitted

APB rules regarding CEU’s:

  1. Licensees are not required to report CE activity during the year.
  2. Licensees will earn twenty (20) hours of CE activity annually.
  3. The Board will conduct a random audit of our licensees. If your name is chosen, we will contact you and at that time, the appropriate documents will be required.
  4. Licensees will not submit CE documentation to the Board office, unless we contact you for that information.

Inactive Status

Inactive status is an alternative to retirement. You may not practice under inactive status, but upon meeting CEU requirements and payment of fees, you can reinstate your full license.

To change from Active Status to Inactive Status use this Inactive Status Change Request Form. You may renew online after the form is received in the office and you have been notified.

If you are currently in Inactive Status, please follow the steps above to renew.

Pursuant to Rules and Regulations § 9.2.B, persons with voluntarily inactive licenses shall not be required to accumulate CEs during their period of inactivity. However, those persons wishing to re-activate their license must provide evidence of having completed twenty (20) CE hours during the previous license year. Please see Rules and Regulations Section 9.2 for full details.


If you would like to retire your license and you will not be reactivating it, there is no fee. Please use this Retirement form to make it official.

Technician Renewals

Technician registration will expire on June 30 of each year. Renewal period is from May 1 – June 30. A renewal notice and supervision report form will be emailed to each supervising Psychologist. If the supervising Psychologist does not renew the technician’s registration by June 30, the registration will be considered expired. The supervising Psychologist will be held responsible for any technicians practicing with an expired registration.

Arkansas Psychology Board Rules & Regulations § 7.7 and Chapter 97, Subchapter 4 § 17-97-401 to 17-97-40