Anglo-Saxon Chronicle [Internet Archive, was at Yale]
- Abingdon manuscript
- Canterbury manuscript
- Peterborough manuscript
- Winchester manuscript
- Worcester manuscript
- The entries for 994 in three versions of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle
- Annals of Xanten: Disorder and Warfare (844 -861) [At De Re Militari] [Internet Archive version here]
- The Annals of Xanten, 845-853, The low point of western European civilization? See also Catholic Encyclopedia: Northmen (Vikings).
- Three Sources on the Ravages of the Northmen in Frankland, c. 843 - 912
Excerpts from The Annals of St. Bertin, Abbo's Wars of Count Odo with the Northmen in the Reign of Charles the Fat, and The Chronicle of St. Denis Based on Dudo and William of Jumièges
- Annals of St Vaaast: Viking Raids in France and the Siege of Paris (882 – 886) [At De Re Militari] [Internet Archive version here]
- Radbod of Utrecht: A Brief Chronicle, trans. William North. PDF [At Carleton] [Internet Archive version here]
A brief entry for the year 900 covering portentous astronomical phenomenon and ensuing environmental calamities, rebellions of men against God, deaths of rulers, and Radbod’s new position.
- Initiation of a Warrior: Going Berserk, Volsunga Saga chapters 7-8. [At Internet Archive, was at Eliade Page]
- Abbo of Fleury: The Martyrdom of St. Edmund, King of East Anglia, 870, trans. Kenneth Cutler
- The Discovery of North America by Leif Ericsson, c. 1000 from The Saga of Eric the Red, (1387)
- Eirik the Red's Saga [At Project Gutenberg]
- WEB Vikings in America: L'Anse Aux. [At Internet Archive, was at Pitt]
- WEB Fotevikens Museum
A maritime archaeological museum concentrated on research and inventory of shipping, ships and maritime relics
- 2ND Jessica A. Browner: "Viking" Pilgrimage to the Holy Land fram! fram! cristmenn, crossmenn, konungsmenn! (Oláfs saga helga, ch. 224.). Essays in History 34 (1992)
- A letter from Pope John X advising Archbishop Heriveus of Rheims how to deal with Northmen who apostatised. 914 [At Salutemmundo] [Internet Archive backup of index page here]
- Dudo of St. Quentin (c. 965-died before 1043): Gesta Normannorum (written btw. 996-1015), ed. and trans. Felice Lifshitz. Transcription of Latin Text also available., [At this site, was at ORB Library]
- Arab Raid on Rome 846
- 2ND Tommi P Lankila: The Saracen Raid of Rome in 846 – An example of maritime ghazw 2013 [At
- Liudprand of Cremona (c.920-972): The Battle of Lechfeld 910 from Antapodasis, Book II, Chaps. 1-5
The usefulness of feudalism as a term is at present under intense discussion among historians of the middle ages, with the majority of experts now rejecting the term. Feudalism was not a word used in the middle ages.
It has had two quite distinct meanings in recent usage.
The first meaning - promoted by radicals during the French Revolution and developed by Marxist historians - refers to a social system based on a society in which peasant agriculture is the fundamental productive activity; in which slavery is non-existent or marginal but peasants are tied to the land in some way; and in which a small elite defined by military activity dominates.. This is probably the most important meaning in modern popular usuage.
For most of the 20th-century, professional medievalists have given the term a quite different meaning [see F. Ganshof, Feudalism for a classic summary]. For medieval historians the term has come to mean a system of reciprocal personal relations among members of the military elite, which lead ultimately to parliament and then Western democracy.
For many recent historians of the middle ages, the older "Lord and peasant" model was subsumed in the concept of manoralism. It is not clear if this near consensus among medievalists ever really made it on to the larger stage of common culture, or even to other departments within a university (or even to non-medievalists within a history department)!
The texts here have traditionally been used to explain the "feudal system". They may be better read and discussed, perhaps, as examples of how people created a variety a social and personal bonds in a society with few stable and accessible legal or governmental authorities. They do not represent a "system".
- 2ND Steven Lane: Review of Susan Reynolds, Fief and Vassals, (Oxford: Oxford UP, 1994) in BMMR 95:12.1].
- 2ND Two Reviews of Susan Reynolds: Fiefs and Vassels (1994), by Fred Cheyette, in Speculum and Paul R. Hyams in Journal of Interdisciplinary History
- 2ND Levi Roach: Feudalism [At]
A very different approach which emphasizes the continued used of various concepts of "feudalism" by historians.
- Fidelity Oaths.
- Capitularies on Oaths.
- Fulbert of Chartres: Letter on mutual obligations, 1020.
- Agreement between Count William V of Aquitaine and Hugh IV of Lusignan. [different translation than Geary]
- Homages Paid by the Counts of Champagne, 12th-13th Cent
- John of Toul's Homage to the Count of Champagne, 13th Cent.
- The Libri Feudorum (the ‘Books of Fiefs’): An Annotated English Translation of the Vulgata recension with Latin Text, translated by Attilio Stella, 2023. Open Access PDF, full text. [At Brill] [Internet Archive version here]
"The Libri Feudorum (the ‘books of fiefs’) are the earliest written body of feudal customs in Europe, codified in northern Italy c.1100-1250, which gave rise to feudal law as a branch of civil law. Their role in shaping modern ideas of feudalism has aroused an intense debate among medievalists, leading to deep re-thinking of the ‘feudal’ vocabulary and categories."
- Inheritance
- Codex Justinianus: Violation of the Thracian Land Law, c. 530 [XI.52.i.]
- The Ripuarian Law: Inheritance of Allodial Land, c. 450
- Law of The Visigoths: Succession to Inheritance, c. 475
- Gregory I the Great (r.590-604): Succession to Tenant Holdings on Church Land, c. 600
- Law of The Visigoths: Succession to Inheritance, c. 475
- The Ripuarian Law: Inheritance of Allodial Land, c. 450
- The Lombard Law of Rothari: Succession of Legitimate and Natural Sons, c. 643
- Canute, King of the English: Inheritance in Case of Intestacy, c. 1016-1035
- St. Omer: The Inheritance Law of 1128
- Count Alberto of Tuscany: An Oral Grant of Inheritance, 1210
- Abbot Samson of Bury St. Edmunds: Denial of Claims to Hereditary Right, 1191
- Æthelwulf, King of Wessex: Grant of a Tenth of Public Land, 854
- Canute the Great: Granting of Fiefs, 1028
- Fief Ceremonies, 12th Century.
- Fiefs and Jurisdiction.
- Siegfreid of Mainz, Chancellor of the Empire: A Grant of a Fief in Islands, 1241
- Abbot of St. Mary of Tronchiennes: Relief for Succession to a Fief, 1233
- William I: Summons for Military Service, 1072, copyrighted
- William II: Writ for Collection of Relief 1095/96, copyrighted
- Henry I: Grant Concerning Scutage 1127, copyrighted
- Charter of Homage and Fealty, 1110.
- Burchard of Worms: Lex Familie Wormatiensis, ca. 1025, trans Steve Lane [[email protected]].
An internal law for the dependents of the bishop of Worms, written mostly to settle disputes and feuds.
- Acts of First Dukes of Normandy, copyrighted
- Chronicle of the Counts of Anjou, c.1100, trans. Steve Lane .
- Laws of Henry I, copyrighted
- WEB Robert Palmer: Law and Courts Before Common Law [Was At Univ. Houston, now Internet Archive] for texts, plus discussion, with case examples.
- Glanvil texts?
- Modus Faciendi Homagium & Fidelitatem (The Manner of Doing Homage & Fealty), c. 1275
English common law document.
- Charles de Secondat, Baron de Montesquieu: Book XXX. Theory of the Feudal Laws among the Franks in the Relation They Bear to the Establishment of the Monarchy and Book XXXI. Theory of the Feudal Laws among the Franks, in the Relation They Bear to the Revolutions of their Monarchy, from the Spirit of the Laws, [Was At, not Internet Archive]
- French National Assembly: Decree Abolishing Feudalism, 11 August 1789. [At Hanover]
Although not a medieval text, this decree of the French Revolutionary assembly is significant in determining what the modern term feodalisme meant.
- Synod of Charroux: Peace of God Proclaimed, 989.
- Letaldus of Micy: Journey of the Relics of St. Junianus, including a description of the Peace Council of Charroux in 989. Trans. by Thomas Head
- Andrew of Fleury: Miracles of St. Benedict. Trans. by Thomas Head
A description of the Peace League of Bourges and its campaign in 1038.
- Drogo of Terouanne: Truce of God , 1063.
- Chronicle of the Counts of Anjou, c.1100, trans. Steve Lane
- England: The Collection of Scutage, 1159-1195
- Bonfils Manganelli: Hiring of a Suit of Armor, 1248
- King Henry the Fowler (c.876-r.919-d.936): Grant of Freedom to the Priest Baldmunt from Slavery, 11 Aug 962 [At After Empire] [Internet Acrhive version here]
- Widukind of Corvey (d.c. 1004): The Coronation Oath of Otto I (963-973)
- The Quedlinburg Annals: The Foundation of Quedlinburg 936/937 [At After Empire] [Internet Acrhive version here]
- Widukind (c. 925 - after 973): The Battle of Lechfeld 955, from Deeds of the Saxons, or Three Books of Annals
- Liutprand of Cremona (c.922-c.972): Report on Mission to Constantinople, 963. full text
- Liutprand of Cremona (c.922-c.972): Report on Mission to Constantinople, 963, excerpts.
- Liutprand of Cremona: The Works of Liudprand of Cremona, trans F.A. Wright (1930), full text PDF [At Internet Archive] Includes Antapodosis, Liber de Rebus Gestis Ottonis, Relatio de Legatione Constantinopolitana.
- WEB The Parts of a Tenth Century Charter [At After Empire] [Internet Archive version here]
- Otto I: Edict of Pavia on Single Combat 971, trans. William North. PDF [At Carleton] [Internet Archive version here]
- Fragment of a lost history about Duke Arnulf the Bad of Bavaria. 935, circa: [At Salutemmundo] [Internet Archive backup of index page here]
- The Life of Burchard Bishop of Worms, trans. William North, 1025
- Otto I provides for resolution of disputes over property by judicial combat.
- Indiculus Loricatorum 981 trans William North.PDF [At Carleton] [Internet Archive version here]
Otto II summons armored knights from episcopal, abbatial, and lay contingents.
- Otto III: Capitulary on Doing Justice c.996-1002, trans.William North. PDF [At Carleton] [Internet Archive version here]
- The Penance of Arduin, or the Roman Synod of 999 , trans. William North. PDF [At Carleton] [Internet Archive version here]
Describes the penance imposed on Arduin for leading the murderers of Bishop Peter of Vercelli.
- Biblical Texts on the millennium
- The Invention of the Dating System
- Bede (c.672-735): The Lesser Chronicle: Chapters 16-22 of On Times [Wikisource]
The Internet Medieval Sourcebook is part of the Internet History Sourcebooks Project . The Internet History Sourcebooks Project is located at the History Department of Fordham University, New York. The Internet Medieval Sourcebook, and other medieval components of the project, are located at the Fordham University Center for Medieval Studies.The IHSP recognizes the contribution of Fordham University, the Fordham University History Department, and the Fordham Center for Medieval Studies in providing web space and server support for the project. The IHSP is a project independent of Fordham University. Although the IHSP seeks to follow all applicable copyright law, Fordham University is not the institutional owner, and is not liable as the result of any legal action.
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