Look sharp with one of these paper bow tie templates. If you’re a preschool or kindergarten teacher who needs to make some paper bow ties for your students, check out the bow tie printables on this page. There are 19 bow tie templates to choose from, so chances are we’ve got the one you need for your costume. Choose from a basic black and white bow tie, or pick a color: red, blue, green, purple, gold, or black. These printables are free for personal and educational purposes only. Commercial use is prohibited.
To make a paper bow tie, cut out one of the free bow tie templates found on this page. Attach some tape to a length string or elastic, and fasten it around your neck. For best results, print onto cardstock. If you’re a child, remember to be careful with scissors! Better, yet, let a grown up cut out the printable for you.
To download a paper bow tie template, right-click on the printable of your choice and press “Save Link As….” This will save a high resolution version of drawing to your computer.
Alternatively, you can click on a bow tie printable, and a larger version will open in your browser. Right click on this image and press “Save Image As…” to save it to your computer.
The first bow tie template is a basic black and white outline. If you wish to color your own bow tie, or are looking for a bow tie coloring page, download this one. You could also use as at template to create a bow tie out of construction paper, felt, or cloth.
Next in our collection of paper bow tie printables, here’s a set of solid color bow ties.
And here we have a collection of six striped bow ties. Classy.
Finally, here are six polka dot bow ties, like the kind Winston Churchill used to wear. Bowler hat and Prime Minister title not included.