The Department of Administrative Reforms And Public Grievances is a Government of India Portal aimed at providing the citizens with a platform for redress of their grievances. If you have any grievance against Ministry of Labour & Employment, you may lodge your grievance on the website
Grievances Redressal System in MOLE
The Ministry of Labour & Employment (MOLE) is among the top 20 Ministries receiving highest number of grievances. The MOLE attaches high importance to the redressal of grievances and has set up a Nodal Public Grievance Cell in the Ministry which receives, forwards and does coordination work on public grievances at the level of the Ministry. The Public Grievances are received in the Ministry mainly in two modes viz. online through the CPGRAMS Portal ( and also in offline or physical mode from various sources. The grievances are reviewed in the Ministry at highest level of Secretary/ Additional Secretary (L&E) on regular basis. Any person or party having any grievance on any matter related to the Ministry or to any organisation of this Ministry can file his/her grievance either online through the CPGRAMS Portal with relevant details or can send or submit the grievance physically to the Ministry through the Public Grievance Officer. Though of late, grievances are also being sent to the Ministry by many aggrieved persons through the emails and social media which are also given due importance by the Ministry, yet with a view of ensuring effective monitoring of the grievances, it is advisable that the grievances are filed in the online CPGRAMS Portal or sent/submitted in physical form.
Structure of Grievance Redressal Machinery in MOLE:
The PG Cell is supervised by a Section Officer and the Cell is working under one Under Secretary at Branch level who function under the direct supervision of a Deputy Secretary level officer designated as Nodal Public Grievance Officer at the Ministry level. Similarly the various organizations of the Ministry like the EPFO, the ESIC, the Chief Labour Commissioner (Central) Organisation etc. have their own Nodal Grievance redressal officer at the headquarter level who can be accessed by aggrieved persons at the addresses and telephone numbers available on the website of the respective organisation.
Shri Nagesh Kumar Singh
DDG, M/o Labour & Employment, who is the overall in-charge and Nodal Appellate Authority of Public Grievances in the Ministry.
Room No 312, Shram Shakti Bhawan, Rafi Marg, New Delhi-110001
Tel No. 23714820
E-mail: nagesh[dot]kumarsingh[at]nic[dot]in
Ministry Website -
Shri G. Sajith Kumar
Deputy Secretary and Nodal Officer (Public Grievance)
Room No. 307,
Shram Shakti Bhawan, Rafi Marg, New Delhi-110001
Tel No. 23719054
Email : sajith[dot]edu[at]nic[dot]in
Shri Kuldeep Dixit
Under Secretary (PG)
Room No. 17 Shram Shakti Bhawan, Rafi Marg, New Delhi-110001.
Tel No 23473578
Email: kuldeepdixit[dot]edu[at]nic[dot]in
Shri Norbert Lakra
Section Officer (PG Cell)
Room No. 336-C, C Wing, Shram Shakti Bhawan, Rafi Marg, New Delhi-110001
Tel No : 23473241
Email : pgcell-labour[at]
The aggrieved persons may also directly contact the Nodal Public Grievance Officer of the concerned organisations of the Ministry at the contact details available on their respective websites. These websites of the organisations of MOLE can also be accessed through the menu “About us” “Organizations of MOLE” at the link "" on the website of this Ministry.
Action on Grievances
Ministry of Labour & Employment follows the guidelines of the Department of Administrative Reforms and Public Grievances (DARPG) for redressal of Public Grievances. All the grievances after acknowledgment are forwarded to the concerned organization(s) who are dealing with the substantive function(s) linked with the grievance for redressal under intimation to the complainant. The CPGRAMS grievances are regularly reviewed by the Ministry at highest level of Secretary. Depending upon the seriousness of the grievance, the Nodal PG Cell of the Ministry also reminds/follows them up regularly with concerned organization(s) till their final disposal.
The Public Grievance Redressal Mechanism in the Ministry functions on a decentralized basis. The attached and subordinate offices and the autonomous bodies dealing with substantive functions have their respective grievance redressal machinery. The PG Cell of the Ministry in order to ensure that grievances are handled in a fair, objective and just manner, particularly follows those grievances where the complainant had failed to get redressal at the hands of internal machinery and the sub-ordinate authorities.
DARPG has introduced a mechanism in the CPGRAMS where aggrieved person can make a representation if he/she is not satisfied with the reply of grievance officer. The following Officer has been nominated as the Nodal Appellate Authority (NAA) in MOLE:
Shri Nagesh Kumar Singh
Room No 312, Shram Shakti Bhawan, Rafi Marg, New Delhi-110001
Tel No. 23714820
The appeals so received by the NAA in the Ministry are forwarded to the concerned sub-Appellate Authority for consideration/disposal. The list sub-Appellate Authorities is given below:
Additional Central P. F. Commissioner (Hqrs)