In this strategy WFP lays out how it will advocate globally, and work in partnership, to address gaps in guaranteeing a proper school health and nutrition response for children in schools. In many cases WFP may not be the lead agency in tackling specific challenges, but by working with other agencies to shed light on the issue of school health and nutrition and convening different actors, it will help find solutions to the challenges identified. WFP will do this by leveraging its six decades of experience supporting school health and nutrition, its reach and knowledge of the poorest and hardest to reach populations, and its trajectory of working with more than 100 countries on sustainable national school feeding programmes.
This document also explains the new approach to school feeding adopted by WFP, as a pillar of an integrated school health and nutrition response. A key element of this new approach is to transform school feeding into a major driver of a climate change responsive approach to feeding children, for example by reducing the length of supply chains and adopting a zero-tolerance response to waste. It lays out for governments, partners and WFP staff worldwide what to expect from WFP in the next ten years, what its priorities and roles will be, and how it plans to change its way of working to provide more and better support to governments and children.