The ACAP Summative is a computer-based assessment designed to measure student progress on the Alabama Courses of Study Standards. The assessment is administered to students in Grades 2-8, once a year, in the spring, and includes the content areas of English language arts, math, and science (Grades 4, 6, and 8 only). The ACAP Summative is constructed to meet rigorous technical criteria and to ensure that all students have access to the test contents via principles of universal design and appropriate accommodations.
Students in grades 2-8 and 10 and 11 who have significant cognitive disabilities will participate in the ACAP Alternate. They are tested in the same curriculum areas as their general education counterparts. The assessment is based upon the Alabama Alternative Standards which allow students to demonstrate mastery through task performance. (Formerly known as the Alabama Alternate Assessment, or "AAA")
Student Practice for ACAP computer enhancement tools click HERE