The in-depth, complete, and up-to-date book on Angular. Become an AngularJS 1.x expert today.
Within the first few minutes, you'll know enough Angular concepts to start writing your modern webapp. This is perfect as a reference or as a tutorial.
You'll learn core Angular concepts - from how Angular works under the hood to rich animations, from in-depth testing to real-world applications.
Learn AngularJS best practices, such as testing, code organization, and how to structure your app for performance. We'll walk through practical, common examples of how to implement complete components of your applications.
The book is constantly updated with the latest tips and tricks of Angular. Don't worry about being out-of-date, this book covers the latest version. You'll get access to all updates, for free.
The book takes you from knowing nothing to full Angular expert. It covers just about every aspect of the Angular framework there is and takes a deep dive into the reasons behind key framework decisions.
You have an excellent resource at your disposal in ng-book: The Complete Book on AngularJS that will help make you productive right away. The examples shown throughout this book will help you get up to speed quickly on the framework.
This book is the definitive goto Angular book. ng-book is able to communicate internals and fundamentals of Angular simply you question what was hard about transclusion.
It's a feature-complete guide that provides a full tour of the framework with great code samples at each step in the learning curve. This book gives me the confidence to use AngularJS on my next real world project.
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Hey! I'm Ari Lerner, author, developer with more than 20 years of experience, and co-founder of I've been using AngularJS for a long time and am a recognized expert in the field.
I co-run ng-newsletter, speak at conferences, constantly produce content all about AngularJS, recently released Riding Rails with AngularJS, and teach in-person classes at Hack Reactor.
I constantly speak about AngularJS and more. Check out some of my latest talks and workshops, such as Angular on Mobile, Powering physical interfaces with Angular at ngConf, and Workshop: AngularJS for beginners
The print version of the book is available through Amazon and Createspace.
Due to Amazon's authorship tools and the laws of physics, we cannot update paper copies of the book (although it would be very cool if we could). Additionally, we do not provide updates through Amazon as we have no control over their publishing platform.
I would like to thank you for writing the only meaningful book in the AngularJS space. I have so far bought all the books, and yours is the only one that I am able to follow. Thank you very much for your effort.
Your book arrived yesterday (straight off the presses it seems), and I've powered through 130+ pages. Page 89 (never use raw scope values, always in a model object or array) has likely already saved hours of headaches, having the book pay for itself.
Been working on some angular projects with the help of your book and articles. Couldn't have done it without your great articles.
Thanks for producing this material. I've spent countless hours combing the web, reading existing books, and watching a million tutorials to get up speed on angular, so it's nice to find such a comprehensive resource.
I just finished watching the 2:54 long beginner series video. That three hours is pure solid gold. It's the best video overview of Angular I've seen. Thank you for it. The upgrade price to get it was worth every penny.
Great job on the book! I have found it to be the best software book I've ever purchased - easy to get started and it properly explains the concepts
As I'm just starting to use AngularJS for a business project your book is an important and valuable source for my daily work. Thank you very much for all your effort!
The Testing chapter saved my lot of time when I wanted to setup my test workflow. Thanks to your book, my test workflow is up and running very well.
Thank you so much for the effort that you have put into this book. I'm really getting into it and enjoying the content and style in which you have written it.
I can tell #ngbook will become the definitive guide to #Angular. A big thank you from @thinkful engineering!
To save myself from my javascript I got ng-book: The Complete Book on AngularJS
First of all, I want to say thank you for making this book. I'm enjoying reading it and I'm learning so much about AngularJS.
The chapters I studied so far are excellent. I got a lot of insight from the security chapter. You guys did a very good job on explaining everything in great detail but also very fluent. Don't know, how to translate it correctly: I mean, it wasn't boring to read ;-) I'm so glad, I found your book.
Anyone who wants to understand Angular should be reading this book. There are other informative books out there, as well as the excellent videos, but none written with the context you wrote yours with. I really found this one to be the easiest to understand, because the parts of an app and the whole of an app are both explained so clearly.
I am a software developer / designer / manager for well over 30 year and in that period of time have developed a very good taste for software books; this should be taken as an indication that Ari has done a stellar job and that I am very excited to read the whole book.
This book has an emphasis on high quality and deep organization. We personally respond to requests for content and release updates regularly to work with the latest in the Angular community.
No dealing with publishers and black-box publishing companies. Talk directly to us, the authors.
As independent authors, we survive only if you are satisfied and only by making the highest quality book on AngularJS as possible.
If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to email us at us at